Mast History

DateStatusRef NoDescription
03/03/1959Approved5648Erection of a mast with a TV aerial, and a small wooden hut for use in connection with the operation of the TV aerial Relay Scheme.
06/02/01968Approved5648/1Replacement of existing wooden building by a concrete building to contain electronic equipment for the Bath TV Relay Station.
11/09/1969Withdrawn8780Erection of a police UHF radio station and aerial mast adjacent to the existing Telefusion aerial.
05/01/1971Approved5648 & 5648/1Renewal of permission.
21/12/1993Approved5648-2Erection of a radio base station to comprise 6 sector antenna's 4 communication dishes and an equipment cabin.


Appeal withdrawn
5648-3Erection of a radio base station to comprise 6 sector antenna's 4 communication dishes and an equipment cabin.
30/01/1998Withdrawn98/00003/TELInstallation of 3 pairs of 2 metre cross polar antennas and 2 microwave dish antenna to top of existing mast and erection of an equipment cabinet.
01/04/1998Permitted98/00143/FULErection of 3 pairs of 2 m high cross polar antennas and 2 no. microwave dish antennas on top of existing mast, plus erection of an equipment cabin.
16/08/2000Permitted00/01153/FULErection of an equipment cabin within existing compound and fixing of apparatus to existing mast.
28/02/2001Permitted00/02259/FULInstallation of 3F cabin to replace 2F cabin and 6 no. dual polar dual bond antennas to replace existing antennas and temporary installation of 6 no. cabinets whilst work is carried out. click here
28/02/2001Permitted00/02259/FULInstallation of 2no. antennas on existing telecommunications mast and equipment cabinets in existing compound. click here

Before the Mast

28/03/939The Mayor Aldermen And Citizens Of The City Of Bath "the corporation" pay compensation to Land owners to place restrictive covenant on land (marked "C" and coloured green hatched brown on plan).
agreement here
for plan here
21/11/1942 Class DII - Restrictive covenant. Registered with Land Charges
click here
24/02/1947 Conveyance "the corporation" buy land for Nine Hundred Pounds from Vendors. click here
FEB 2006
Restrictive covenant still on land.

Currently there are 3 mobile phone companies who have a licence for the use of the mast. Combined, BANES receive £29,554 for these licences which is renewable annually.